

Join master plein air artist, Kevin Macpherson in this 41-minute video demonstration, as he shares his knowledge of painting from life on the edge of one of America’s grandest views, “On the Rim” of the Grand Canyon. Author of four popular books on plein air painting and a world renowned workshop teacher, Kevin is an articulate communicator of his process. From the first calligraphic stroke placed on a blank canvas, the majestic Grand Canyon emerges freely and confidently. The brush appears as a natural extension of the artist’s hand and mind, as Kevin wields his brush both delicately and boldly. Learn how atmosphere changes color, shape and form. Edges add variety and the illusion of space. A myriad of color notes masterfully relate the structures. Kevin teaches you to see colorful grays that infuse a painting with life.  Tickling an edge with a dry soft brush sends Canyon walls miles away to meet the sky. Kevin has painted on location around the world for forty years. He reminds us an artist must remain curious, full of wonder and open to fresh ideas and new combinations of color as he searches for the answers that nature presents.

Click Download, for complimentary reference images for the painting in the video, and for studies of your own.